
Platinum Bank

Platinum Bank is founded at the beginning of 2005 as a bank with 100 percents by a foreign capital. Named "International Mortgage Bank". The international investment fund of Horizon Capital came forward a shareholder. 2008 to establishment attracted new western investors actively, extending the list of shareholders, and procedure of renaming, supposing besides other changing of the name on Platinum Bank, was begun in December of the same year.

At the end of 2010 Czech PPF Group made decision to abandon the Ukrainian market, in December an agreement was signed on a sale 100 percents of daughter's bank of this group "Houms Bank" (2006 to named "AgroBank" and TPK "Alef" belonged) to the structures of Platinum Bank. A transaction is completed in February, 2011, the presently purchased credit establishment is on the stage of integration.

Platinum Bank possesses the network of sales, consisting of 45 separations in the basic areas of Ukraine. A bank belongs to 4 groups in size of the combined assets (from 4th on classification of the National bank of Ukraine, on this index 65 takes seat on a country (4 place on a group).
From data of National Bank of Ukraine, on 01.04.2011 combined assets of Platinum Bank made 2,15 milliards of hryvnias (~7,5 milliards of roubles). A credit brief-case, on 96 percents consisting of loans to the physical persons, forms 64 percents of the combined assets. Backuping is about 16 percents against 14,5 percents in 2009. Other volume is formed due to investments in liquid assets - 17 and 13 percents accordingly.

A most stake in passive voices is occupied by facilities of physical persons, there are about 32 percents on them. 8 percents are formed due to facilities of legal entities. Other attracted facilities make about 20 percents of passive voices. A property asset is 17 percents of passive voices. It is needed to mark the growing stake of facilities of other banks (to 14 percents of passive voices) that were obviously inlaid in liquid facilities.

In 2010 the income of bank made 9,4 million hryvnias (~33 million roubles) against 7,7 million hryvnias (2,6 million roubles) for 2009. In I quarter of 2011 on this index a bank occupied 37 place among the banks of Ukraine with an income in 2,7 million hryvnias (9,4 million roubles).

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